Can You Clean Solar Panels with a Pressure Washer

The short answer is No, it is not recommended to clean solar panels with a pressure washer. It can easily damage the PV cells and can create cracks in them.

Water can go inside the solar panels forcefully if you use a pressure washer and can cause electrical problems.

The demand for solar panels is rising because they can generate renewable energy for your home or business. To maintain their efficiency it is a must to clean them often.

With time solar panels will get covered in dirt, dust, pollen, bird droppings, and debris these things can cover the surface of the panels and can block the sunlight which can reduce their power output.

In the below article, we’ll walk you through the steps to safely and effectively clean your solar panels while making sure they remain in the best working condition and keep producing optimal energy as long as possible.

What Are Safe Tools And Materials For Cleaning Solar Panels?

Cleaning solar panels helps maintain their efficiency, but it’s important to use the right tools and materials to avoid damaging them. Here are some safe options:

Safe Tools and Materials for Cleaning Solar Panels

  1. Soft Sponges and Brushes: Soft-bristle brushes or sponges are best to gently clean the solar panels surface. Do not use abrasive brushes or scrubbers as they can scratch the glass.
  2. Mild Detergent: Create a gentle cleaning solution by mixing mild detergent with warm water. Do not use any harsh chemicals for cleaning.
  3. Non-Abrasive Cleaners: Use mild, non-abrasive soaps or detergents. Using harsh chemicals can damage the panels and can reduce their efficiency. You can use a simple mix of water and a mild soap to clean the panels. Manual cleaning using soapy water and a garden hose is best to clean the panels.
  4. Water: Clean water or distilled water is the best and safest way to clean solar panels as it causes no risk and also prevents any kind of residue buildup. It is recommended to not use or avoid hard water as it can leave mineral deposits.
  5. Rubber Squeegee: After cleaning you can use a soft rubber squeegee to remove the excess water. Removing excess water prevents any kind of water spots or streaks on the solar panels.
  6. Garden Hose with a Gentle Spray: Always use a hose to spray water gently on the panels. Do not use a pressure washer on the solar panels as it can damage them and can also mess up the delicate connections.
  7. Extension Pole: You can use an extension pole to reach the panels on roofs or higher areas safely from the ground.

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Tips for Safe Solar Panels Cleaning:

  • Safety First: If you’re cleaning solar panels by yourself then take necessary safety precautions such as using a harness and a ladder if the panels are on the roof.
  • Check the Manufacturer’s Guidelines: For effective cleaning always read the solar panels manufacturer’s guidelines. This will give you a perfect idea of how you should clean your solar panels.
  • Clean in the Morning or Evening: To avoid thermal shock or cracking always try to clean the panels when they’re cool. The best time is early morning or late evening.

It’s always better to hire professionals to clean solar panels as they’ve all the necessary equipment and cleaning products and can also access higher spaces easily. Hiring professionals is the safest way to clean the solar panels.

How Do Professionals Clean Solar Panels?

1. Turn Off the System: First, to prevent any electrical hazard professionals always start by turning off the solar panel system.

2. Inspect the Panels: The next step is to check the panels to find any kind of damage or heavy dirt buildup to make themselves ready for the next step.

3. Safety First: Professionals always prioritize safety first and wear all safety gear such as harnesses, gloves, etc especially if the panels are located on a roof.

4. Soft Brushes and Sponges: To effectively clean panels use soft brushes or sponges as they’re gentle on the surface and do not scratch them.

5. Mild Soapy Water: A mix of mild soap and water is used to clean the panels. Harsh chemicals are always avoided as they can damage the panels.

6.  Rinse with Clean Water: After cleaning panels with soapy water they rinse the panels with clean water to remove any soap residue. Most professionals use distilled water to avoid any kind of spots.

7. Use a Squeegee: A soft rubber squeegee is used to remove excess water and prevent streaks after the cleanup.

8. Final Check and Test: At last after cleaning, they check every panel again to make sure they’re in the best condition and also test their performance to make sure they’re working well.

How Often Should You Wash Your Solar Panels?

As an expert, we recommend you clean your solar panels at least once or twice a year. However, the frequency of cleaning depends on several factors.

1. Dry and Dusty Areas: Cleaning is required more often if you’re in an area with heavy dirt or dust.

2. High Pollen Areas: Areas with high pollen also need to clean their panels more often.

3. Bird Droppings:  If your panels get bird droppings often, you should clean them regularly or spot clean as needed.

The best thing is to inspect your panels regularly as it will allow you to decide the correct time to clean them.

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